Maka Chankvetadze
1998-2002 - Academic degree of Bachelor of Philology in the specialty of English; IvaneJavakhishviliTbilisi State University; Faculty of Western European Languages and Literature
work experience
2019-present- Child Direction Coordinator; Association "Anika"
2016-2018- Project Manager, Save the Children International Funded project “Community Based Services for Children with Disabilities”, Association “Anika”– 2016 March-2018 December
2018-present- Expert-Consultant, European Commission Funded project “SAY YEAS”
2018-2019-Expert-Consultant, Europe Foundation Funded project Personal assistant service for Children and adults with Disabilities in Bolnisi Municipality”
2018-Expert-Consultant, Tbilisi City Hall Funded program Personal assistant service for adults with Disabilities in Tbilisi”
2016-2107 –„Project Coordinator, ASB Georgia Funded project “Personal assistant service for Children and adults with Disabilities”, Association “Anika”
2013-2016 - Project Manager, USAID Funded project “Reading for Better Future”, NGO Child, Family Society
2013-2016 – Program Manager, Day Care Center for children and persons with disabilities, under the financial support of MOLSHA
2009– 2013- Multidisciplinary Team Member, Ministry of Education and science of Georgia
2007 –2013- Administrative Manager, Polygraphic Printing House “Kabadoni +”
2003-2008- Special Educational Teacher, NGO “First Step Foundation
2002-2003- Office Manager, J.S.C “SAVANE VINERY #1” Tbilisi, Georgia