A home strengthening program

Date: 24/01/2022

A home strengthening program

Association "Anika" with the support of WJR implements a home strengthening program. The goal of the program is to reinforce the independent living skills acquired in the day center in the home / real space. To do this, pre-trained specialists go home 2-3 times a week (as needed) with the participant and encourage them to engage in interesting and rewarding activities. 

The program is designed for day center participants with disabilities aged 18+.


Program Objectives: Promoting engagement in daily activities by developing the skills needed for independent living; Promoting socialization by teaching independent movement in outer space. Empowering parents to ensure their child's development and independence.


Expected Results:


They will be able to engage in the daily activities of the home; develop communication and decision-making skills. The program will help parents solve the challenges in their relationship with their children. In addition, the program will help raise awareness and integrate people with disabilities into society.